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Dive into our
first issue of 2024!

Welcome to the inaugural 2024 edition! We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with you and wish you success and prosperity in abundance for the year to come. May 2024 also be filled with love, laughter and victories!

One of the highlights of our January issue is the inclusion of some of our most popular continuing professional development (CPD) articles from 2023. These articles are not just a recap, they are an opportunity for our readers to earn nine (9) valuable CPD points. 

We believe in the importance of continuous learning and professional development, and what better way to start the year than by providing a platform to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Don’t miss our epilepsy articles. International Epilepsy Day, commemorated on 12 February this year, serves as a reminder of the global impact of epilepsy and the importance of raising awareness. 

February is also recognised as Reproductive Health Month, a crucial time to focus on issues surrounding reproductive well-being. Check out our informative infographic on page 6.

Furthermore, don’t forget to register for the upcoming Cardiac Arrhythmia Society of Southern Africa Symposium. The symposium is scheduled for 24-25 February in Johannesburg. Our cardiology articles take a look at atrial fibrillation and the risk of stroke, prevention of venous thromboembolism and the role of ventricular arrhythmias in sudden cardiac death.

Earlier this month we published an Oncology guide to bring you up to speed on all the latest innovations in cancer care. To access a copy online, click here.

We have developed a South African medical congress calendar for your convenience. To access your copy, click here. If you would like to see your congress featured in our calendar or if you would like to advertise, send an email to

In conclusion, our January issue is not merely a collection of articles. It is a testament to our commitment to supporting and celebrating the medical community. We invite healthcare professionals to engage with the wealth of knowledge presented. 

Here’s to a year of learning, collaboration, and making a positive impact on healthcare. Welcome back!


René Bosman

Who we are

Specialist Forum caters to a discerning audience of medical specialists, including cardiologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists, and gynaecologists. Our platform is a haven for academic minds, offering in-depth articles that align with the latest treatment guidelines from renowned international medical societies. We understand the importance of staying updated in these rapidly evolving fields. That's why we provide comprehensive insights and research-driven content that empower our esteemed specialists to make informed decisions and provide the highest standard of care. Specialist Forum is committed to nurturing excellence and knowledge within the medical community.

What we offer

Specialist Forum offers a comprehensive range of product offerings tailored to the needs of the medical community. Our offerings include a spectrum of advertising solutions, including print advertising available in various sizes and special positions to maximise visibility. Engage your audience with product-specific articles and webinars, further enhancing your brand's reach. Stay connected through our digital newsletters, accompanied by impactful banner advertisements. For targeted promotion, our digital product promotional newsletters deliver your message effectively. Explore our diverse ad formats, from leaderboard ads to banners within online articles on our website. Elevate professional knowledge with continued development articles, while our specialty-focused projects delve deep into areas like oncology, dermatology, and psychiatry.

Future projects you might want to invest in

Paediatric guide (April 2024)
Did you know that around five million children under the age of five-years die annually? This equates to around 14 000 children per day or ten every minute. In this quick guide we provide a brief overview of a number of common life-threatening, and less serious childhood conditions. The aim is to create awareness among healthcare professionals, enabling them to recognise signs and symptoms early and initiate timely intervention. The guide focuses specifically on patients younger than five-years. If you are interested in advertising opportunities or sponsorship of the guide, please contact

Contraceptive guide (December 2024)
Navigating the vast landscape of contraceptive options becomes paramount for those seeking control over their reproductive journeys. To help inform decisions about choosing the right contraceptive for the right patients, we are developing a quick guide that focus on a compendium of methods. A part of the guide includes patient education, with articles spotlighting fertility awareness methods such as tracking menstrual cycles, monitoring basal body temperature, checking cervical mucus, and withdrawal. If you are interested in advertising opportunities or sponsorship of the guide, please contact

EDITOR: Rene Bosman
SUB EDITOR: Gill Abrahams
LAYOUT & DESIGN: Allison McCallum

Charissa Piek | 063 281 1205

Felicity Garbers

Head of Commercial - B2B: Johann Gerber
Production Manager: Angela Silver
ART DIRECTOR: David Kyslinger

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Postal Address: PO Box 784698, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146
T +27(0)11 877 6111 F +27(0)11 713 9024

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Specialist Forum per issue R80,00 VAT Incl.
ISSN: 2218-8282

Published by New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd

CEO: NEW MEDIA: Aileen Lamb
CEO: MEDIA24: Ishmet Davidson

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Unless previously agreed in writing, Specialist Forum owns all rights to all contributions, whether image or text.

SOURCES: Shutterstock, supplied images, editorial staff.

While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of its contents and information given to readers, neither the editor, publisher, or its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom. All rights reserved. 

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