
The effect of COVID-19 on parasites and inflammation challenges us to think outside the box

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A friend sent me a link to an interview with Dr Shankara Chetty,1 presented by Dr Philip McMillan. His simple, straightforward insights were like a breath of fresh air in a world that is suffocated by medical mayhem. Dr Chetty comes from Port Edward, a small coastal town with a huge rural African population. Of the 4000 patients he has treated for COVID-19 so far, none have died or even suffered from “long covid” or a recurrent infection. He has already shared his discoveries and treatment options2 with doctors around the world. So far, the reception has been favourable (but evidently not in his own country). His novel suggestions and protocols using familiar pharmaceuticals will be music to the ears of fellow doctors who struggle to treat their patients with dwindling resources.

So too, an alternative anti-inflammatory protocol that was developed by Dr Joanna Budwig can be modified to help patients and their families with ongoing home-based treatments. Inflammation is the common enemy of cardiovascular, respiratory and pulmonary diseases, arthritis and joint pains, bowel disorders, diabetes, depression as well as cancer. Not everybody responds well to COX inhibitors, antihistamines, and steroids at the best of times; and suppressing inflammation can often exacerbate the causative issues – especially the parasites. Taking a look at the COVID-19 virus under an electron microscope has revealed a reservoir of linoleic acid between the spikes3 that engage with ACE2 receptors. Linoleic acid imbalances are also associated with inflammation.

Daily vigilance from onset to Day 7 is the key to a successful outcome

Dr Chetty holds a degree in medicine and surgery and also has advanced education in genetics, advanced biology, biochemistry, and microbiology.2 His diagnostic skills and knowledge of disease etiology are astute, and he maintains that allergies and inflammation as opposed to viruses, come to the fore as the causative factors of cytokine storms. Parasites in the respiratory system and gut, especially worms and protozoa are to blame, he says; hence the importance of anti-malarial remedies and parasite remedies such as ivermectin.  “A majority of my patients, 99% of them, recover completely within 14 days from the start of this reaction.” His town does not have a large hospital, and most people are treated as outpatients. He attends to them daily, carefully checking their symptoms and distributing medications timeously, especially to address the effects of parasites that may be present.

He uses antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid drugs combined with antibiotics, antivirals anticoagulants and de-wormers with pinpoint accuracy. According to his observations, COVID-19 treatment requires two separate interventions: one for the viral replication phase and one 7–8 days later at the onset of the inflammatory phase when blood clots and hypoxia tend to occur. Dr Chetty sees the early phase as a type of hyper-sensitivity reaction, calling for the use of antihistamine drugs such as promethazine. He then aggressively begins treatment on the eighth day of the disease with corticosteroids and antihistamines, especially if no early antiviral treatment was given at the onset of symptoms, or if the treatment failed.

He noticed that patients who had a sore throat on the first day and found it resolved on the second would spend the rest of the week perfectly fine, engaging in strenuous activities. Yet on the 8th day, he noticed the onset of dyspnea, and by the afternoon, patients were completely breathless and showing a decline in their oxygen saturation. “I tried, on a patient who was critically ill, a dose of promethazine and…oxygen saturation returned to 95% within 24 hours. There was a remarkable improvement. This got me to understand that we were dealing with hypersensitivity reactions. Every patient that came to me with symptoms on the 8th day got treated. The action stops right there. So, I haven’t had patients coming back with fatigue and all the things I have heard about around the world.”

Take a closer look at parasites, especially worm and plasmodium infestations

Let us look beyond the virus at what else is being aggravated by ACE2 receptor engagement—our resident parasites! Many years ago, research had already shown that all patients infected with the HIV virus, for instance, also have intestinal flukes and worms. Furthermore, when these parasites were removed, no trace of the HIV virus could be found. Dr Chetty uses ivermectin to treat the parasites (not the COVID-19 virus)—especially worms that he finds in the lungs.4 From eggs that are ingested, worm larvae can migrate throughout the host’s body, including the lungs. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell (WBC) that your body produces when the worms enter your lungs. Symptoms of hypersensitivity responses include fever, cough, wheezing, hypoxia, and seizures. Anaemia is a symptom that may also indicate that the patient has worms. Once these and other parasites such as protozoa (especially linked to malaria) that respond to hydroxychloroquine are removed, these symptoms abate. Oxygenation improves, “the so-called COVID-19 cytokine storm blows over.” The patient recovers.

“None of my patients have been hospitalized so far, they were always treated at home and managed at home,” Dr Chetty continued. “To this day, I have no oxygen in my practice. I never found the need for it.” When asked about vaccines against COVID-19, he replied: “I think as variants of the virus mutate, we will have breakthrough infections even in countries that have had massive vaccination campaigns very effectively.” This amazing doctor was adamant that vaccines may harm or even kill his patients. Sadly, today many people are too afraid to be vaccinated and are even more afraid of being near vaccinated people who may expose them to spike protein or mRNA. Herbal remedies, iodine,and supplements continue to help many people stave off the COVID-19 pandemic; and some of the doctors in South Africa6 are seeing excellent results using olive leaves and Artemisia annua7 because they too, can effectively eliminate parasites such as protozoa and worms associated with inflammation that is exacerbated by COVID-19 spike proteins.

According to other papers on lung parasites8 the treatment of choice is diethylcarbamazine (DEC), which kills the microfilariae and adult worms but may exacerbate the inflammatory reactions; so a corticosteroid helps to ease the symptoms when given with de-wormers. Oral ivermectin7 remains the treatment of choice for uncomplicated strongyloides (roundworm) infections, but it is not effective against human hookworm and should be used with caution in high doses, especially if there is inflammation present. With parasites, repeat doses are required. After three weeks the eggs begin to hatch out and will re-infect the patient.

Trichinella is a food-borne parasitic disease from undercooked pork containing larval trichinellae that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Fertilized female worms release first-stage larvae into the lymph and bloodstream. The larvae can cause produce shortness of breath, but dyspnea is due to parasitic invasion of the diaphragm and respiratory muscles. The diagnosis is confirmed by muscle biopsy, which may demonstrate T. spiralis larvae. Mebendazole given with analgesics and corticosteroids for two weeks is recommended by some doctors.

OTC treatment with albendazole kills roundworm adults, eggs, larva, and cysts in all areas of the body (GI tract, blood, lungs, liver, skin, tissue, muscles, organs, central nervous system, etc). It is best to chew the tablet or take a suspension and combine it with fats and oils for better absorption. If you walk barefoot, have pets, eat undercooked meat, cough up mucus—or have persistent anemia, consider this treatment. If you suspect a viral infection coming on, kill the worms, kill the parasites! Herbal blends that contain proteolytic enzymes deactivate the spike proteins of the COVID-19 virus.9

Parasites are not that easy to detect with blood or stool tests and X-rays. Cat scans cannot detect microbial infections or small parasites. Inflammatory markers can indicate a reaction to parasites and microbes. A high absolute eosinophil count may indicate a viral or bacterial infection, parasites, allergies, or asthma; and Dr Chetty uses this test to confirm his suspicions. Synchrometers are very accurate because they can detect the exact frequency of fungi, mold, viruses, bacteria as well as parasite as was demonstrated by Dr Hulda Regher Clarke many years ago.  The Quantum Xrroid electronic biofeedback device can determine vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, food substances, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, muscle tone, disease, bacteria, molds, fungi, viruses and parasite on the spot. These non-invasive diagnostic tools can tell you exactly what kind of parasites you have and where they are present in your organs and tissues plus the extent of the damage they cause.

How linoleic acid interacts with COVID-19 and similar spike proteins

In September 2020 linoleic acid was discovered by the Max Plank researchers in a customized pocket within the spike proteins. They affect inflammation and immune modulation, the key elements of the COVID-19 infection that are associated with pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). They have discovered that this virus depletes our dwindling reserves of the anti-inflammatory linoleic acid we call omega-3. During the ravages of a cytokine storm especially, the dominance of omega-6’s is what exacerbates inflammation, being so close to the spike proteins. The researchers also explained that in other illnesses, interfering with the metabolic pathways of linoleic acid can induce systemic inflammation, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).3  This study provides the first direct link between linoleic acid, its opposing effects and the virus itself.

Is there a way to alleviate the side effects of the spike proteins?

If we replenish our anti-inflammatory omega 3 oils, we equip ourselves with the means to squelch the pro-inflammatory effects of spike proteins. Omega 3 oils from fish oil or flaxseeds are linoleic acids that are essential for maintaining cell membranes and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins or messengers called PEG-1 and PEG-3. Our diets are usually too high in omega 6 linoleic acids found in plant oils, especially cottonseed and sunflower oil plus saturated fat or trans-fats that stimulate the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin called PEG-2. Ideally one-third of our fat (oil) consumption should be from omega-3 oils yet we tend to consume over 25 times more of the pro-inflammatory fats. Oops! Inflammation only subsides when levels of omega 3 fatty acids are high enough to activate the anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Cortisone can suppress inflammation but only offers symptomatic relief; it does not get rid of the cause of the inflammation. Side effects, including thromboembolism and blood clots,10 are the highest after the first few doses.

The most widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, celecoxib, also reduce PEG-2 and thus inflammation, pain, and fever; but they cause serious gastrointestinal and cardiovascular adverse events, such as ulcers, GI bleeding, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. For people overwhelmed by sick people, they serve to alleviate acute conditions; but having a good balance of omega-3’s is a worthwhile alternative for long term and prophylactic use. Plant sources of omega-3 include flax and chia seeds, but animal sources of omega-3s, such as fish and grass-fed animals, are usually better choices. However, vegan-friendly supplements containing EPA and DHA from algae are available. Embracing the time-honored Budwig protocol helps to defend us against spike proteins from all manner of viruses, vaccines or even vaccinated people, and blood clots! So taking a delicious anti-inflammatory Budwig smoothie with other natural ingredients will help us all to fight inflammation as well as spike proteins.

The Budwig home-based protocol is something we can all use against inflammation and a whole lot more!

“Various highly trained and educated individuals are dismayed and irritated by the fact that serious medical conditions can be cured by cottage cheese and flaxseed oil.” Dr Johanna Budwig

Dr. Budwig had a PhD in natural science. During the 1940s her medical training included pharmaceutical science, physics, botany and biology. She was an expert on fats and oils. Dr Budwig is best known for her extensive research on the properties and benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphated proteins in the diet, especially cottage cheese. She selected them for convenience, cost and availability. Over the years she published a number of books on the subject, including Cancer–A Fat ProblemThe Death of the Tumour, and True Health Against Arteriosclerosis, Heart Infarction & Cancer. Dr Budwig’s protocol proved successful in many cases where orthodox traditional medicine had failed. Her protocol has been used for treating cancer, arthritis, heart infarction, irregular heartbeats, psoriasis, eczema (and other skin diseases), immune deficiency syndromes plus multiple sclerosis and other auto immune diseases, diabetes, respiratory conditions, stomach ulcers, liver and prostate disorders, strokes, brain tumors, arteriosclerosis and many other chronic diseases.11 Being oil based, it can improve the efficacy of de-wormers such as albendazole.

Here is the basic recipe to make an easy everyday Budwig smoothie

The Budwig protocol is a combination of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese that is targeted at the cell membrane. Her theory was that we get sick when our cell membranes do not receive water-soluble electron rich photon-activated unsaturated fats. Linoleic acid, phosphatides and lipoproteins create opposing electrical fields around the cell nucleus and membrane of the cells to keep them alive and charged with energy.

The basic Budwig protocol mixture for three-to-four servings: 1 part flaxseed oil (try 1 tablespoon) and 3 parts of low-fat cottage cheese (try 3 tablespoons). Blend the two together with a fork or food processor

For a Budwig smoothie – 1 liter (4 servings) of a comprehensive do-it-yourself (DIY) supplement– place your selection of the following additives to the basic flaxseed oil and cottage cheese in an electric blender jug and process until it is creamy. Drink a glass a day.

  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
  • 3 tablespoons cottage cheese (or goat cheese)
  • 3 cups of water or fruit juice or fermented milk (kefir/ amasi)
  • 1 banana peeled and sliced and/or berries, etc.

Add additional supplements and active ingredients as required: vitamin D3 capsule, zinc, vitamin C plus other supplements you take.

Pineapple leaves and stems are a good source of bromelain. It is anti-inflammatory and is rich in a proteolytic enzyme that attacks the spike protein. For a DIY bromelain extract, chop them up and blend with 2 cups of water. Sieve the mixture and use it in the smoothie.

A few drops of iodine, to destroy viruses, bacteria and microscopic parasites; one-half teaspoon powdered ginger as a blood coagulant; one-quarter teaspoon powdered cloves to destroy worm eggs. They hatch every 3 weeks, up to 50 000 of them!

According to a recent Medscape report, COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital fared better on anticoagulant treatment, and the death rate was reduced12; and they recovered sooner than patients who did not receive anticoagulant drugs. Adding fresh or powdered ginger to the Budwig smoothie enhances its anticoagulant effect but be warned; it competes with patent anticoagulants!13

A smoothie a day will help to keep inflammation at bay, but also try to cut down on all the “bad” but delicious fats!




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